Tampa Catholic High School
Basketball Practice Schedules (PDF)

EHS Coach Evaluation Survey Form

Coach Evaluation Form (all sports)

Coach Contact Information

EHS Fall Coaching Staff and Emails:

Cheer Varsity Coach, Mindee Hodgkins-mhodgkins343@gmail.com

Cheer JV Coach, Marissa Branscomb- marissambranscomb@gmail.com
Cross Country coach Lisa Ritchie- lpritchie@gmail.com
Football Varsity Coach, Kyle Dragon-dragonk1204@charter.net
Football JV Coach-
Football Assistant, Tom Hogan-thogan3377@outlook.com
Golf Varsity Coach, Chris Abild-cabild@epsd.us

Boys Soccer Varsity Coach, Andrew Lawrence- anlawrence@epsd.us

Boys JV Soccer Coach-Tyler Mullaly-tmullaly14@gmail.com

Girls Soccer Varsity Coach, Brian Miller- brmiller@epsd.us
Girls soccer JV Coach, Joe Roy- coachjoeroy@aol.com
Volleyball Varsity Coach, Molly Jacobson- mjacobson@epsd.us

Volleyball JV Coach, Amy Skowron-askowron@epsd.us

EHS Spring Coaching Staff and Emails:

Varsity Boys Baseball Coach: Ed Zuchowski- ezuchowski@epsd.us
JV Boys Baseball Coach: Andrew Lawrence- 
Varsity Girls Softball Coach: Corey Robinson-
JV Girls Softball Coach: Caelin Mottor- 
Co-Ed Track Coach: Lisa Ritchie- 

EHS Winter Coaching Staff and Emails:

Varsity Boys Basketball Coach: Nick Whitney-nwhitnet@vmgma.com
JV Boys Basketball Coach: Brian English- 
Varsity Girls Basketball Coach: Brian Miller- 
JV Girls Basketball Coach: Joe Roy- 
Varsity cheer: Ernesto Matos- 
ernestomr678@gmail.com & Melinda Hodgkins- mhodgkins343@gmail.com
Varsity Hockey Coach: Tim Pfau- 
JV Hockey Coach: Bill Pfau- 
Boys and Girls Swim Coach: Carla Soutra- 

ImPact Testing:

Please read all instructions before beginning. The ImPact test must be completed by all student athletes and expires after two years. It is imperative that STUDENTS complete the test themselves so that accurate data is on file in case of a concussion. ImPact testing cannot be completed on a smartphone. It can only be completed on a desktop computer or laptop. To complete the baseline ImPact test, please click the link below.


Registration Resources:

Please note that Registration is a 3 STEP process:

  1. Step 1: Go here to register: Registration Form
  2. Step 2: Pay the athletic fee through the link above, or submit payment by check to:
    Please note: You can wait until after tryouts to submit payment
  3. STEP 3: Submit up-to-date (within last 13 mos.) physical to School Nurse.

ImPact Testing:

Please read all instructions before beginning. The ImPact test must be completed by all student athletes and expires after two years. It is imperative that STUDENTS complete the test themselves so that accurate data is on file in case of a concussion. ImPact testing cannot be completed on a smartphone. It can only be completed on a desktop computer or laptop. To complete the baseline ImPact test, please click the link below.


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